Sunday, January 10, 2016

WeAninG Time!

yay! and so, baby rayous is 6mths old!!! can start to introduce him some other food other than milk liao!! 

very happy! i finally accomplished the mission of breast-feeding him exclusively for 6mths! 也算是仁至义尽了!! i was sooo damn hell worried that my supply will not be able to last him for 6mths, lucky it did! all thanks to the papaya fish soup that MIL has been cooking for me. haha. phew.  now can chill and relax liao. 有就有,沒有就沒有. no need so stress liao. hoho. 


1 teaspoon of powder with 4 teaspoon of breast milk. so we started with 3 teaspoon of powder. hoho. the texture is just like mash potatoe. nice.

my boss and i

ahhhhh... uummp

yes, i read and knew it's gonna be a mess. but actually still ok lah. not as messy as i had anticipated. hoho. good job!

he quite likes it! very good! LOL. shall go shopping soon to see what else we can buy for him to eat. so exciting! kekekeke.

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