Sunday, August 9, 2015

Rayous's Baby ShoWeR

dear rayous's baby shower was held on the special SG50 PH - 7 Aug 2015. 

preparation of the red eggs...

initially we had wanted to hold the shower outside, but there was no good location. so in the end, we held it at our home sweet home. keke

photo montage showing our journey from marriage to pregnancy to birth to day-to-day growth of rayous. cool, isint it? LOL 


and more balloons..

actually the balloons abit waste of money cuz no real purpose, only for decorations. but we still went ahead lah, just to add on to the 'baby shower atmosphere'. lol. really lovee these balloons, if only they could stay afloat for a long long time! alas. 

and the star of the day - our baby rayous lee! 

finally his 1st month! really hope for him to 快高长大

we held 2 sessions of buffet - afternn session for relatives and night session for friends and colleagues. 

the confinement nanny. so far we are still having a comfortable time and havent really experience the full force of having a baby in the family. wait till she's gone.... im really worried, honestly. 

had wanted to take pics with all guests who came, but in the end was so busy and tired that din managed to take pics with the guests at all. grrrr. 

wishing baby rayous 健康, 平安, 快乐, 快高长大, 聪明伶俐, 听爸妈的话 =)

looking forward to celebrating his 1st birthday =)

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