Wednesday, August 19, 2015


learning the ropes... 

but 总有失手的时候.....

parenthood is really not easy. 

night time is a battle. can only pray that he cooperates and sleeps well and not wakes up soooo often. 

im now struggling with breast-feeding. honestly, i dont know how to handle it. im into a vicious cycle.

rightfully, the theory is simply - supply and demand 

but i believe, the demand had been wrongfully inflated with the introduction of a breast pump. 

wrongfully inflated demand = over (wrongful) supply of milk 

over-supply will result in constant fullness (and soreness!!!) which means, u either let the baby feed or pump out again. 

but, if you pump out, more will be produce again! 

it's a never ending cycle. 

to combat that, i resorted to pumping fewer frequency and shorter duration. 

but i realised that doesnt solve the problem, cuz apparently, constantly having 'uncleared' milk will result in plugged ducts and inflammation. 


so my strategy now is to pump slightly more often but much shorter duration. just clear bit by bit. at one hand, the milk gets to clear. and on the other hand, it doesnt send the wrong message to the body that more milk is required. 

i really hope by doing so, the supply and demand can be balanced. 

breastfeeding is really an art and not so easy. 


learning and discovering along the way. 

ahhhhh.. parenthood! 

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