Wednesday, October 10, 2012

GoLD CoasT Day 1 & 2 - 17/18 Sept 2012

time to blog on the gold coast trip!

gold coast is 2hrs ahead of singapore time.. and we got to realise this only after we reached. so much for the homework done. duh.

travelling by scoot and it was a 8hr night flight.

our dinner at airport

the scoot aircraft is bigger as compared to the other budget airlines.  the seats are 3-4-3 with 2 aisles.

that's the leg space but note this is after topping up S$30 each for the extra leg space. yes, we topped up for the extra leg space but NOT FOR THE EXTRA BAGGAGE!!!! WTH?!

the food is not nice and smaller in portion, as compared to the rest of budget air. the lasagna is saltish and the soy sauce chix meat and rice are a little tough. think it costs us $17 more to top-up to include the meal which includes a drink, main, and snack. yes, we topped up for the meal BUT NOT THE EXTRA BAGGAGE!!! WTH again?! 

 the snack is also quite crappy... some MIC dried fruit chips..

if you choose not to include the meal in your ticket but to buy only when onboard, then better pray hard that the main course do not get sold out. it's afterall a long-haul flight, so can really get hungry de. the departure flight is still okay, cuz it's a night flight and most prob should have eaten dinner b4 u board and most likely u will just fall asleep onboard. but the return flight is early in the morning and surviving 8hrs on board without food is quite sad. and i tell u, on the rtn flt, after eating the meal, i got hungry again after a while. wanted to eat another main, but they were all sold out. in the end had to settle for sandwiches....

and i kind of pity the cabin crews cuz they were sooo sooo busy. unlike other short-haul budget flights where majority of the passengers will not buy things to eat, there were many passengers buying food on the flight. so the crew have to take order, collect money, change money, explain to customers etc etc etc..... busy till they simply handed me a totally cold sandwich which i later on told them to heat it up for me. minus point. *shake head*

oh, and on scoot, there'r drinking water dispensers. think it's the only budget air that provides drinking water on-board for free. so, bring a water bottle along!

and that's also where i got my b-day present from hubb :)
always wanted a white diamond studded watch. had seen this watch selling onboard other airlines too, and i had already wanted to buy it on my last travel but it was out of stock. 这次还不让我买到?
hiak hiak

finally reached. the departure flight was actually quite empty..

our 1st meal in gold coast :) expensive but big portion. the 2 sets costed us S$40+, if i still remb correctly..

our beachside resort

LV shop

surfers paradise!

our room. or rather, i should say our apartment, cuz it's really more than a room. din expect it actually. it's like a small flat unit with balcony, living room, bedroom, kitchen, washroom, just that there's no door/wall to differentiate b/w the rooms.
simple, clean, and maintained

and since the apartment came furnished with pots and pans and whatever utensils that u can think of, coupled with the expensive dining,  we decided to go super-marketing and cook for ourselves! it's so much cheaper! :)

chef apple at work *smirk*

tada! 有模有样 bah..

got quality one.... dont play play....kekekeek

after dinner was to casino! no automated sic-bo games.. so we ended up playing automated roulette. i was pretty lucky and won about AUD300. wahahahaaha

poor hubb wasnt as lucky.. overall he lost quite abit.. LOL

that's bout all for day 1 and 2. nothing much, just roaming around...

stay tune :)

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