Sunday, October 7, 2012

WeddinG PropoSaL ParT 2 - 10/8/2012

2nd part of the proposal ")

breakfast at MBS Club 57

and though my legs were bruised.... i just cant resist the infinity pool.

my ke lian de legs...

after checking out of MBS, we embarked on the journey to Batam

stayed at harris. always thought it's a good place to stay in, but only so-so. the facilities are old and really nothing very fantastic. the massage also so-so only. would prefer spa villa.

our japanese suite.. which turns out to be ironical cuz of my injured legs...... had great difficulty bending and lying down. haha

the other side of the room

our sea view dinner

and the breakfast the next morning

after that was shopping at nagoya. big shopping mall but sells nothing except for fake branded goods and poor-quality wears. under expectations again.

 yes, and that sums up the proposal :)

on the ferry back, i notice my ankle was swollen. called up the clinics but none was open as it was a late sat. and so, i went back to office for the project implementation which took place until around 1+am in the morning.

a real memorable proposal, isint it?!

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