Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day 2012

it's leap day!!

the 4yrs-one-time leap day!!

and so, 4yrs have passed. just like that.

reference to my blog post #167, which was written 4yrs back on the happenings on the leap day on 29/2/2008.

extracted from that post 'when the next leap year occurs, i'll be 27 yrs old le. i wonder how will i be then...haii.... sounds so scary... '

and yes. by year, im 27yrs old this year.

so now, i should write, when the next leap year occurs, i'll be 31 yrs old le.

wow, somehow, 27 to 31 doesnt sound as scary as 23 to 27. agree?

in anycase, im still me.

im still alive and kicking.

im  still in the same old co, just a change of dept.

everything/everyone around me is more or less the same. thank god.

i've experienced more things in life.

im wiser. 
 (that's but of cuz, since wits come with experiences and experiences come with time)
im more confident.
im glad.

i love who i am.

i love everyone and everything around me.

i thank god/whoever who is/are blessing me and taking care of me somewhere, somehow.

enjoy life, peeps.

time really do flies.
start telling the pple around you how much you love them.
start working on things which you wanted to work on long ago.
珍惜现在 活在当下

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