Monday, February 6, 2012

捞鱼生 - 发发发

last day of cny ... 元宵... and someone is on mc again. 1st mc for feb. let's start the number counting!


as said, ive got a feeling 2012 will not be a good yr for me. so, in order to change that 'fate', i decided to 捞 more 鱼生.. and hopefully with that, will bring me better luck. the planned was 8. but, i ended up lao-ing 10 yusheng this year! yeah! a perfect ten! 十全十美!

the first yu-sheng, even before cny arrives. lol. with kristin @ sushi tei.

yes, the 2 of us managed to finish the whole yu-sheng! lol.

the 2nd one with hubb @ sakae sushi.

the 3rd one was a take-home for 除夕dinner.

the 4th one on 初二 at grandma's house. from caterer - food haven.

the 5th one... at sakae.. with hubb again. yes, we r both in love with yu-sheng!!!!!

the 6th one with hubb, mum and dad @ dian xian er on 初七人日

the 7th one with gals @ sushi-tei

the 8th one was during team's cny lunch at loy sum juan chinese restaurant

the 9th one was with bnf gang @ soup restaurant

and the 10th one.. was with hubb and his family at a clementi tzi char stall

also met-up with cmd colleagues.. but no yu-sheng, cuz we had steamboat and no more stomach for yu-sheng.

impressive, isint it??

this time 不发 also 难 right?!

actually, i used to dislike the taste of yu-sheng. it's really only in recent years that i started to appreciate this cny dish. really 百吃不厌. yummy!!!!

and so with that, cny has come to an end. time to end the festive mood and stop the excuses of eating and eating and eating. time for serious work and dieting again!!!!

and of cuz, with the so many yu-shengs, i really hope can 风生水起.


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