Wednesday, October 19, 2011

saw the clip on the recent terrible incident -> passerbys ignoring toddler hit by vehicles.

lots of criticisms coming from everywhere on how heartless and cruel these pple can be.

indeed, when i 1st saw the clip, i was thinking to myself wad the heck were those pple doing??!

but before we get work up and start jumping to conclusions, should we take some time to analyze why these pple would react in such a manner?

given common sense in human beings, the 1st thing when u see some1 in distress, is to - help.

however, if by helping that person, will mean possible harm to myself, how many will still go ahead to help?

it was reported that those pple refused to help for fear that they'll be accused of injuring the child. pure nonsense and excuses, u will think. but.... could that not be the case?

in a country like that, where so many things can be flawlessly duplicated, re-produced, counterfeited, what is there that cannot happen?

imagine i go and help the child.. and suddenly the mother dashes out with tons of policemen and accuse me of harming the child and all other witnesses, for fear of getting implicated, agree that i was the one who hurt the child, and i get fined/jailed/whatever. who can i blame? on my kindness?

i've heard of soo many stories that kind pple offer their help to those in distress but turned out kenna robbed/raped by these pple acting as if they need help but they only want u to go close so that they can attack u. so how?

when i went overseas, i came across beggers on streets.. some even brought along their children to beg with them. it hurts to see these pple in such pathetic state. but we were told specifically by the tour guides NOT to donate to these pple cuz it's all scam. and if u donate to one, many others will cheong over. and so, i ignored. does that make me a cruel and heartless person then?

the point i want to bring across is, before we start pointing our fingers at others and start criticising them, we should 1st think - are we in the position to do so?

we are living in a (supposed) safe place. we are well protected. so much so that we took it for granted that everywhere is just as safe. but that is not true. there are many places, where pple are forced to learn how to protect themselves. and by doing so, they become what we termed as 'self-centred' and 'selfish'. but.. is it wrong to protect ownself and not be vulnerable?

it's cruel fact. but it's hard fact. i always believe that all human beings are born evil. it's with education, law and order, and civilisation that keep us sane. and if there's no more law and order, the dark side of human beings will prevail.

it's a cycle, really. u can be kind, but hurt once, i believe u will not be as kind anymore. and it spreads. from one person to another. to a point... where pple can really be as 'heartless' as what we see from the clip.

scary huh. but it's just human nature. accept it.

all in all, if u are an adult, learn to protect and take care of yourself, becuz u cant expect anyone else to. u are fully responsible for yourself and the things/pple u think are important to u. dont start blaming any other pple if something bad happens. nobody is obliged to help u or be responsible of u.

and...dont think that this world is bounded by the common senses that what we think human beings should have. deviations are everywhere.

remember, there is no equality. and there never will be. 

so.. never expect everyone/anyone else to think or behave in the same way as u.

learn to accept this. else life will be difficult.

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