Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NaTioNaL DaY 2011

happy birthday singapore!

will always be proud to be a singaporean! will always love singapore! (ie... until a point when singapore is no longer like singapore. if u get wad i mean)

and shucks. with the arrival of national day, it also means the end of my break! grrr. 6 days went by just like that!

i seriously havent rest enough!!!!

hahz. very greedy huh.

well well well. back to work again tmr.

shouldnt be greedy.

i've rested enough (self-pyschoing)

time to go back to battle.

and...... these 6days... i did nothing related to job searching.

haiz. i deserve wad im getting now.

since i've done nothing to change it.


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