Monday, August 1, 2011

met up with jc mates last friday. had dinner at sun & moon @ wheelock.

my waygu beef sukiyaki.. mmm... i still prefer the beef sukiyaki at ichiban sushi. all time fav there!

this gathering was organised by bee. it's quite rare for her to be the one organising, so when i saw her sms, i already told hubb that there must be something that she wanna tell us.

and true enough... she's pregnant!! my first female friend to get married.. and now my first female friend to enter motherhood!!! gosh! tot we were just cheong-ing for our a-levels not that long ago??!  

with bee, the mama soon to be.

with bee and her husband

hubb and jon

so happy for her. heard zh is getting married soon too. tiannn ahhh..... dont admit old also cannot liao.. gone were the days when we were all in uniforms and mugging away. well... not as if i do mug... but... yeah... long gone were those days.. **nostalgia*


july was  an extremely fast month. it just weeezed past. so now, 1st day of aug. good, 2 public hols to look forward to!!!!

was at mbs that day and happened to see the ndp rehearsal.

im really impressed with my photography skill :)

think the firework this year is really spectacular. it's coming from almost everywhere! cant catch them all... 

and that day.... the heli flew past my block....

cool huh


been really tired these days. so much so that i din even want to go out last wkend. yeah, i stayed home both on sat and sun. really too tired liao. and im soo moody at work. it's not that period of the month, but im still moody.. haii.. looks like i really do need a break soon.

who doesnt? all pple around me are going on leaves and im the stupid one who's always around to do the covering.

how balance and sane can one be when most of the time, she's covering others and she's drowning herself with the work of others?!


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