Monday, August 29, 2011

bad experience at natas fair. we were about to make payment when the staff told us that they'd made a mistake on the pricing, and the pkg that we'd wanted to sign up for is in fact, more expensive than what they had initally quoted us.

wtf. wasted my time listening to the itinery. wasted my time making enquiries. wasted my time that could have been spent listening to other packages. made me happy and in the end left me disappointed. urgh!

i juz knew that there wouldnt be such good deals around!

apple holidays/eu holidays. im still thinking if i should lodge an official complaint.

sheer irresponsibility and ignorance to misrepresent and give customers the wrong information!



lunar 7th month has ended! i've refrained from jogging at nite due to the 7th month, now can resume liao. great. well, not being superstitious, but sometimes, somethings are better to be believed than not rite?

and.. i had a fall while jogging this afternn... booohooo... so painful.... :(

i seldom fall down *touched wood*. one bad fall in sec school during a football game had left me with a fractured left arm that will never ever be able to touch my left shoulder again. one fall for bus chasing that left me with bruises on both kneecaps that will never recover. and now this. shucks.


sunday was spent at natas as said earlier. sat was spent 'chasing star'. hahz, not chase lah, but juz went to take a look at how tavia yeung looks like in real person

she was in sg on sat endorsing sorella products

small and long face. probably only 3/4 of a normal face. and i thought she looks quite artificial and mannequin-like. mm.

then sat nite was to the annual 7th month dinner. mum bid a sack of 25kg rice and a wooden fish while hubb bid a money bag coin bank. lucky lucky huat huat ahh!


back to work tmr. but juz 1 day before it's holiday again! yeah yeahhh yeahhhhh....

if only this happens every week.. :)

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