Friday, July 8, 2011


im on leave today!!

went to kbox k-dinner ytd nite

such disappointment.

the timing was supposed to be from 6-10pm with 1 set dinner and 1 drink.

but we went in only at 8pm, after work.

and then.. wad happened to the set dinner?!

in the past, i remb, for k-lunch, they serve quite good lunch. it's always some nice jap bento with teriyaki chix or tempura fish.... then got sides like octupus or seaweed.... with fruits.

but ytd, there's only hainanese chix rice or soy sauce chix rice. we went for the latter. and.... it's really disappointing lah. it's obviously those microwavable type lor. worse than meals on plane! it's not awful in taste, but jus disappointing lah, cuz i was expecting some nice bento set. or if it's chix rice, then some nice hot fresh chix rice lah. and it's really plain chix rice. no fruits, no sides, nothing. not even cucumbers!

and.. they gave us a big and grand room which was good. but i think there's something wrong with the system. all the songs like 2keys higher and we gotta adjust the key ourselves. and somehow, the tunes are juz very weird lah.

and... for that mere 2 hours, the staff came in and out and disrupt our singing for like dont know how many times - serve drinks, serve food, collect plates, take bill, return bill... etc etcc

and when the time is up, the person came in and cleared the room immediately. really efficient in chasing us away lor.

so for 2hrs of disrupted and out of tune music + 2 lousy chix rice (to be fair, the drinks are still okay), we paid $50 .


k-dinner at lucky chinatown.

u decide if u want to try.

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