Wednesday, July 6, 2011

DisGusTinG ConTd

and yes, he's on mc today again.

benefits of doubt. i really wish to make myself believe that he's really sick. at least i will feel better that way.

but.. why isit always mc after leave? why isit always mon/tue or thurs/fri? why isit when he went for ops (and one that had complications), he can still go on holiday?

why??? why???? WHY????

and why isnt mdm useless boss doing anything????

and... he still has the cheek to sms and say that to distribute his unfinished work cuz he's been away for 3days and the salespple are going to complain if the work are not being followed up.

can u believe this?!!

now wad? he happily comes to work, then start on the applications. then when he decided he's too sian to move on, he take leaves and mcs, and then drop an sms and we will follow up the unfinished work for him. and then he can come back and start afresh and the whole freaking cycle can start again. and again. and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOD F**KING DAMMIT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i really really really dont know wad to say or what to do anymore.

we have conveyed to boss. but all she can say is 'im not doctor. i cannot ask him to come back to work if he's covered by mc'.

true to an extent.

then how? so there's really nothing that anyone can do to this kind of sheer irresponsibility?? so the company will continue to pay and breed these kind of unproductive staff??


feels like puking.

plain too disgusted.

WTF x 1000

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