Saturday, February 6, 2010

SteAmBoaT SessiOn

i slept once i reached home  yesterday.. without removing my lens, without removing the make-up, without changing out from what i was wearing.. all the way till this morning... does that go to show how tired i was? or which i still am? mmmmm.....

out for steamboating on thurs nite with colleagues. pre-celebration for cny.

it was at crystal jade. yes.. crystal jade do offer steamboat.. but i guess it's only available at certain outlets. $22 nett per pax but the prawns are limited to 100g per pax. the soup base and food are quite good. can try.

my bowl of noodle which caused much hoo-haa.. i was being condemned for ordering noodles!!! urgh!! who said cannot eat noodle for steamboat hurr hurr???


cny in juz a wk's time!! i really love feb.. such a short and festive month. coming wed will have a small cny dinner held in office and fri will be co's dnd at shangri-la. then will be ny le.... sooo fast!!

my new portfolio at work is keeping  me v busy. no time to relax sha-la-la liao which is a good thing cuz time seems to past sooo much faster than when i was doing the old portfolio. and it's not soo mundane and robotic now. mm.. hopefully things can only get better.... yeah?

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