Saturday, February 13, 2010

ComPaNy's CNY CeLeBraTioN

cny celebration @ work this year is of a much smaller scale than of last year's. but still, something is better than nothing... even though there were much controversial in participating in this celebration.. o well..

anyway, i was 'selected' to be part of the organising committee.... again. somehow, im always chosen to be involved in these kind of recre stuff... maybe in the mgmt's mind, im only good enuff for recre stuff and serious work-related stuff are not for me. tt's sad..

food preparation.... yea... we are DIY-ing yu-sheng with abalone!!! preparing the pomelo.....

5 cans of abalone for us to 处置.............

that's my 2nd yu-sheng for the year.. DIY de but looks very pro right?? lol ~~

dinner was catered nasi lemak from lee-wee brothers. i think it's a famous brand cux everyone seems to know it... except me. haa....

the stall is at tangs... exit from orchard mrt... jus up the escalator. and yes... the food is not bad...

after that was lucky draw..... everyone will get something and i won myself pork floss and heh-bee-hiam crackers from bee cheng hiang. lol ~

last but not least... the organising committee....

and as usual.. being the organisers, we will have to kio the aftermath of the celebration and it really doesnt feel that great when everybody starts to leave and only we guys have to stay and kio the stuff....

it feels really good when some1 come over and at least have the courtesy to thank us for the effort... i must bear in mind to do the same thing in future to all organisers of all events....


besides lee-wee brothers nasi lemak which is a new thing which i learnt of only recently... this cookie is also another new thing to me.

in the cny celeb meeting, it was suggested if money should be spent on the fortune cookie and i totally have no idea wad this 'fortune cookie' is... until my superior bought and gave it to us......

it looks like this....

but the main essence is that - inside the cookie, there's a slip with some remarks and 4digits... tt's y it's called 'fortune cookie' eh..

and tt's my slip... seriously, i have no idea wad it meant......

anyway, today is the last day of 2009 in the chinese calender le... wishing all a happy happy and prosperity new year!

huaat ahhhh !!!!

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