Sunday, February 28, 2010


today is 元宵, the last day of cny.. and it's also the last day of feb. with this lion dance post, it shall end the cny celebration for this year.

lion dance troupe was invited to usher in wealth and good luck on thurs last week...

~our 阵 for the lions. heh~

~instead of 大头娃娃, they have 大头老虎.. kawaii!!~

~this pic is sooo cute!! the tiger majiam scared by us... wahahhaha~

~picking lucky numbers~

~lucky symbols for us~

~ can u see the word and numbers??~

~and these are the lucky numbers. fri was the toto, sat was the 4ds.. since no news so far, i tink already gone case liao.. but still got hope for tonite... jiayou!!!~

and so.. tt's the end of cny. tmr will be the start of a new mth and it'll also be the month with the longest working days. boo. but... march will also be the bonus month.... looking forward... and hopefully, it'll be something neat. *pray*

ok, time to keep the festive mood and start to work hard again. jiayou everyone!!

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