Thursday, September 7, 2023

MonTiGo ReSorTs DaY 2 - 2 Sept 2023

Day 2 of our montigo trip 


Photo w the mascot. Haha

The breakfast is not too bad, esp the bakeries choices. Many types of bakes. I like!! 

After that played shooting and archery

And then back to room to play water again!! 


And in room dining for lunch. Yummx. 

Self brought coffee satchets.. And bought their home made kueh lapis. Nice wor. 

After that dropped them at the kids club! The kids club here is much smaller than the one at the cruise. Dont think they can accomodate many children at one time. 

Lucky for us, not many children were inside when we dropped the boys there. Wheeeee. 

Activity for the day - tie dye shirt!! 

Now still waiting for the shirts to dry at home. 

And for that 2hrs without the boys, hubb and i went pak thor abit. 

Wanted to go massage or hair treatment, but alas, fully booked... 

So just hang around played darts and pool. 

And then night time was a buffet bbq dinner! 

Alfresco style with live singing. Very in the mood! Haha. Would be better if it was less hot and more windy. 

Really alot of meat ahhhh, and can keep ordering! 

But that night somehow, we were all quite full leh, so din really eat much, and ordered 1 round nia. 

And then a night stroll... 


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