Thursday, June 16, 2022

DaY 2 - 14 JuNe 2022

Day 2 of our cruise! 

Ordered dine in breakfast! 


While the boys were enjoying, see who was in the background doing all the legwork.... 

Breakfast by the sea. Wheeeeee. 

And then... Waterplay time! 

Happy that the 2boys can play on their own for a while... So we can chill abit. Haha. 

And then.... Jumpee time! Really no rest xia. Packed with activities! 

And the famous hotdogs snack

And some playground time.

There are childcare services onboard where u can leave the children there for activities and play. And hubb and I were sooo happy la. 

Who knows, the children are split into 2 age grp and are in different classes. And the cut off is zhun zhun at 5yo, which means that Rayous and Raythorous cannot be in the same class!

And so this Raythorous refused to be left alone in the class.... 

What the....... 

We asked for a few times if they can make special arrangement to put them together, but die die cannot lor. So inflexible. 

In the end LL, 甩不掉他们。


So they had to wait while we do rock climbing lo.

I once mentioned b4 that rock climbing is on of the most difficult things to do. Tried it N yrs ago and cannot move means cannot move. 

So, this time round, I just wanted to check and see if my fitness level has improved....... Did not have too much expectation.. 

Look at hubb and me! 

Hubb not bad leh, he managed to climb to the top despite his wall being the more curvy wall. 

And also not bad leh!!!! 

Look at how close I was to the bell!!!!! Almost touched it liao!!!! But alas.... Just one step away and I fell liao. Urghhhh! 

But I'm really impressed with myself liao. In the past really cannot move one leh. Now, can climb so far!!!!! 不枉我这几年的运动!!!!!!! 

And after that, makan time!! 

And then..... Back to the childcare! Cuz at night, they do allow the different age group to mix liao! OK, to be exact, only the morning and night slot can mix. The afternn slot is strictly separated by the age. 

So, finally managed to 撇开the 2boys!!!!!! 

And we went casino.... Before picking them up again about 1.5hrs later... Yay!

And not bad, they were quite happy there. Did some handicraft. 

After that went to catch a show by china magician/performer 鹏飞。

And then finally back to our room for rest.... 

Super long day packed with activities! 

The boys did not even get to have their naps leh. 


OK, stay tune for day 3!

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