Wednesday, December 28, 2022

DaY 5 KoRea - 28 DeC 2022

Going to skip day 4 first and jump to day 5 which is today. 

Ok hubb is feeling better today liao (vomit + tummy pain + LS), after taking the meds recommended by our tour guide, bought at the local pharmacy. We did bring our own meds, but dont really work leh. According to hubb, those local meds are quite effective wor. Lucky he is better liao, else see him sian, i also sian. 

Bf at the hotel. Self made bibimbap. Lol. 

Cant remb the sequence of events liao, cuz the photos are sent from hubb's phone via whatapp and all received haphazardly. 

Anyways, we visited a temple..

Bought some souvenirs

Lunch was real bibimbap! And a soup. Nice 

And then tombs visiting.. 

My little oppa. 

Snack time! 

Some cheese pancake in the shape of a coin

To a museum in daegu

And then some free and easy time at.. Erm.. I forgot where liao. 

Most of the time was spent in macs though... Duh... 

dear raythorous has been REFUSING to eat the korean food. He has been surviving on biscuits, bread, cakes, literally. Finally got free and easy time and a mac to bring him to, so faster let him eat more. Super jialek really... 

Somtimes really must be thankful to these international brands.. Macs la, starbucks la, paris baguette la.... etc.. When the local food dont work, you really got to rely on these international brands!!! 

Nah. This is how raythorous will react during meal times. Just hiding in one corner. I think he doesnt like the korean kind of sticky rice. And the kimchi smell is killing him!! He really refuses to eat any of the meal items. Omg max. 

Actually, even rayous isint taking the korean food very well, though less extreme than raythorous. At least rayous still can eat abit here and there. 

Our hotel tonight! 

One night here nia. 

Ok, resting for the night liao. 

Good night! 

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