Monday, December 26, 2022

DaY 3 KoreA - 26 DeC 2022

 Day 3!!

Bf at hotel

Waiting for the train to busan..... Literally! 

And on the train to busan!! Lucky nothing drama happened. Lol

After a good 3hrs+ ride, finally reached the busan station where we had our lunch. 

Some pork soup rice which taste just like our bak kut teh. Keke

And then to the gamcheon cultural village

I quite like this place. Somewhat like taiwan jiufen... Many souvenir shops and eateries..

And, writing postcards! 

Can choose to receive 3wks later, or a yr later!! We chose to receive a yr later. Shall see if the cards really do reach us 1yr later. Hahaahaha

Trying out at the eateries.. 

Next was to the galgachi market! 

Watched this place a few times via tv liao. Finally got to visit. 

Many many many stalls inside... But most bohiu us, except for this couple who were super welcoming! Kept jio jio us to take pics w the seafood...

Yea, live octupus!!! We were walking around, but dont know how to approach the vendors.. Until this vendor came jio us. See, want do business really must be proactive leh. 

Sorry octupus. Became my dish on table liao.. 

After u chose the live seafood downstairs, u will be brought to upstairs where the seafood will be cooked and served. 

Octupus to be eaten raw. Really live and still wriggly... Taste is ok, but really will suck ur tongue/mouth a little bit.. 

Also tried out a lobster


Overall close to S$100. 

And then dinner time! 

Buffet dinner, but cuz we ate at the market liao, so i din eat much here.. 

And guess what? Raw prawns!!!! Omg

Quite nice. But eat liao mouth abit itchy.. So din eat much too. 

Yup, thats all for today

Wb in busan 2days, and stay in this hotel 2nights.

See ya tmr! 

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