Sunday, December 25, 2022

 Blogging live from our day 2 hotel in korea (considered day 2 liao, cuz day 1 was onboard. Lol). 

Omg.. 好累啊!!

Didnt get to sleep well on the plane.. And st away gotta start the itin liao.

No kidding man.

The boys most poor thing... Think they were too excited to sleep... So they only fell asleep quite late....... 

Rayous still managed to wake up and eat abit.. 

Raythorous ji tao slept till dont wanna eat. 

Then once itin started, also 睡睡醒醒,醒醒睡睡。。

Damn shag 

Ok, going to slp early liao!! 

Tmr morning call 630am!!


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