Friday, June 24, 2022

 Wah lau eh....


Ytd still can 煲汤,today tested positive liao!

Tested on Wed and thurs, all negative.

Ytd night actually can feel lai liao, cuz aching and feverish already. This morning tested, and yes. Kenna liao.

Actually 不kenna 才奇怪, considering how close I was to rayous.

Been trying to keep raythorous and hubb safe.

But this hubb was saying to just let it spread, since it is just a matter of time before everyone gets it....... Might as well we sick and recover together...


Anyways, we have been sleeping in diff rooms since rayous cfmed. And try to minimise contact liao. See how it goes ba.

And this rayous, looks like he has recovered liao!

Day T was super bad. Lied in bed whole day and super sticky.

T+1 was better, but started to LS... A few times...

Then T+2 vomited a little...

And now T+3, he looks fine liao!

Actually if his ART is negative, he can BAU on T+3 liao. But since I also cannot go out, no point doing an ART on him lor. Save a kit. Lol

See! Happy boy liao! Even requested for mac bf!

 And me with my comfort food!!!



My symptoms so far are fever, ache, sore throat. Not really coughing nor runny yet.. 

Shall see how it goes. 

Take care everyone! 

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