Saturday, June 18, 2022

DaY 3 - 15 June

Day 3 of our cruise trip! 

More relaxing day I will say, haha. 

Started off early in the morning at the flow rider, one of the main hilights of the cruise. 

 Not too bad oh, can stay lying down.... But when I attempted to kneel down, failed!! Tried 2x also cmi. Haha. 

Hubb managed to kneel down though, but he failed at trying to stand up. Lol

Not bad, quite fun but tiring also. And the water gushing was quite irritating, kept splashing my eyes. I was so scared that my contact lenses will kenna washed off lo. 

Thanks to the boys for waiting for us all these while while we q for our turns... 

So, after that, had to accompany them to their water play again. Then finally had our late bf at the windjammer restaurant. 

After that, was nap time! Finally managed to sqz in nap time on the 3rd day. Wheee.

After wake up, was early dinner at silver dining. 

Yummmmx. Actually not that yummx la. Don't know why leh, but the food onboard this time round really not very nice leh.. 

After that, dump the boys at the childcare centre again!!!! Good leh, they were actually looking forward to it and asking for it! 

With them gone, we quickly go find our own entertainment liao. 

Ktv!!!!! Stand on stage and got audience in front one hor. Don't play play!!!! 

But each person only entitled to one song. Boohoo. Where got enough xia. 

And this hubb, so shy until he doesn't want to sing, until I offered to sing duet with him, then he relented. Hahaaa. Another chance for me to go on stage! 

So long never sing ktv liao. Shiok. 

After that went casino abit, b4 picking up the boys. 

Their artwork from the childcare. 

And then, bumper car session! 

This whole space, in the daytime is a sports hall for all sorts of ball games like basketball, tennis etc. Night time then converted to be a bumper car space. So yes, bumper cars are only available at night. Day time they are all being charged at the sides, literally, like this! 

After that, back to room and ordered room service!!! 

Fat. Die. Us. Hopeless. 

And after that......... Was disco night!!!! Whooohoooo!!!! 

Very the high leh! Hubb and rayous were the 闷包s. Lucky raythorous was on enough to go dance with me! Super high time for me xia! 

Most of the people dancing were actually children. Hahahahahaha.

But I heck la, just dance! And really danced till the end! Towards the end, almost nobody liao, but I was still dancing myself away! 


Hopefully nobody videoed me, else I might 一夜爆红! 


Actually I just wanted to burn off some calories la. 

Hopefully I did! 


After that rest time for the day liao!! 

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