Thursday, November 5, 2020

haha, just completed our virtual team-bonding session.

yes.. u read it right - virtual team-bonding. 


previously already heard about online escape room game as a team-bonding activity.

had a taste of it just this morning. 

erm.... ok... cant compare to having it in real la, but.. just make-do lor. not easy communicating thru zoom, but still works la. and not too bad, get to see a number of the colleagues, albeit remotely. haha. 

then 2nd activity was cocktail-making session.

quite cool really. the spirits and some of the barangs were delivered to our house. 

so everybody just logon and follow what the bartender does. haha


unfortunately, im not an alcohol person.

and... dont say no door gift hor (but this door gift is meant for another session, not this teambonding session). even door gift can ownself design online and deliver right to your doorstep!

damn cool right. 

technology these days is really amazing. those businesses really have to catch up and think of innovative ways to continue biz during this covid19 time... else... really game over. 

yup. and it has been a year since our teambonding session last yr which was to JB. i tot i did blog about it? but apparently cant find any related post on it now. haiz. think im getting senile.. 

yup, time really flies xia. like jus ytd that we went to JB for the teambonding, but it has actually been a yr le. 


last lap to end the year!


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