Monday, November 16, 2020

glistering under the hot sun! 


super sunny days for the past few days. super happy, cuz all the laundry gets to dry fast! took the opportunity to quickly wash the curtains also... 

Love the laundry sunning in the sun! 


and thanks to wfh......

i think most pple should get fairer as they wfh, cuz seldom go outdoor liao right?

that was what happened to me during CB. really got abit fairer..... 

but once CB over, i've been swimming during lunch times. 

so..... really getting darker tanner and darker tanner (yes, I refuse to acknowledge that it's darker)


and at times, i really wonder if pple seeing us will tot im a helper following the sir and children behind or not... hahaha.

actually should avoid the sun la... i also scare aging and worse... spots! 

but swimming is face-down one mahh... so... likely wont be so harmful ba?? at least to the face....?

and heck la... how often can swim under the big hot sun???

once go back to office, no such luxury liaoz. 

better treasure while it lasts! 

Basking in the sun. 


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