Sunday, September 6, 2020

GE 2020

 yay, i know this is like way overdue....

but.. our GE2020!


the most remembered GE, honestly, was the year with Mr Yam Ah Mee being the returning officer. and i always tot it was the last GE that he appeared. who knows, it wasnt the last GE, it was the last last GE in 2011!

whoot! and it felt like juz ytd. how time flies...

and as usual, my blog is such a nice recording machine. look at what i wrote abt GE2011 here

and then we have GE2015 here. hahaha. look at the qns at the end that i posted to myself. LOLLLL.

ok, so back to this year's GE.

definitely a 'special' one amid the COVID19. so there was no rally, no large get-togethers or whatsoever. 

and i felt that it was quite a quick move by the govt to hurriedly hold the GE after giving out all the payouts and assistance schemes. afterall, what can be a better time right?

and it sure was an exciting GE, cuz many of the wards were really competitive. and i think one really gets more involved in GE when one gets older. when younger, really doesnt know or care what's going on. but now older liao, will follow more.

so as usual, hubb and i stayed up the whole night to catch it! even prepared snacks, lol!

actually i fell asleep while waiting for the kids to fall asleep. but managed to wake up again. haha.

and the results were quite ummmm how should i put it... 

though opposition took down another ward, i had expected opposition to take down more wards. ya.

anyway, nothing much this year la. just that there's a jamus lim whom is super famous now. and a couple of veterans whom left the limelight including LTK, GCT, and my personal fave - alamak-look-alike (u guess who is it).

and reported in the news that some of the wards had got super long q that were like hours?? saw in the news that the old folks still had to q... quite terrible really... q for a few hours is definitely not acceptable la.... particularly amid this COVID19.... omg.

lucky for me, voting has always been a breeze. just go downstairs, chop chop vote and go, be it when i was staying at mum's place, or my boonlay place, or my current place. very fast de!

 Oh and I was quite happy to know that our voting venue this yr was at ytps, tot can tour the school abit during the vote. But nah, all designated routes, cannot anyhow tour. Boohoo. Haha. 

ok, next GE. should be 2024 or 2025 le bah. 


will this coronavirus still be around? do we still have to wear masks and observe social distancing? will i still be working from home?

so by then rayous will be 9 or 10yrs old and didi will be 7 or 8yrs old. which pri sch will they be in? will didi be promoted to kor kor? will my this helper be still my helper? will i still be with my good old employer???


we shall see! 

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