Saturday, July 4, 2020


Took leave on Friday to bring the folks out for yum cha. 

Yup, long time since we dined out. Lol

At this 老字号 red star restaurant tucked away on the 7th floor of a hdb block in chin swee road. Really one old restaurant and still having that kind of 'push trolley' dim sum. Very Hongkong style. Still a number of LKK staff.. But also many changed to young ah tiongs liao. 

But as usual, the service still quite bad. Staff not v responsive, trolleys take a long time to come. Haha. 

The food is OK la. And very nostalgic and HK-feel, so I don't mind dining there despite the not so good service. And weekends are damn lonnng q (at least in the past la. Now Covid19 don't how how). Lucky we went on weekday, so still OK. And perhaps amid this covid19, many pple still do not want to go out ba. 

After that went tiong bahru plaza to settle banking stuff... Before 'high tea' time at yakun.

Among the so many so many these kind of cafe outlets, my fave is still yakun. Serves the best tea and best toast, in my opinion. Yummz. 

After that the folks went home while I went for my facial session. Whoot! 

So scare they will close shop (as in, really close shop for good) amid the crisis, I still got package with them leh!  Lucky they still operating. Lol. 

After that back to westgate and did some quick shopping b4 meeting hubb and the boys for dinner. 

Had Tim ho wan. Ahhh dim sum again! 

But the tim ho wan steam chicken rice is really damn shioook. Miss it!

And to be fair, tim ho wan is really quite nice, though expensive also. But the service at westgate also soso only. 

After that was ice cream time at haggen daz.

Fruitful day le ba. 

Damn shiok to take leave and accomplish so many things. 


And yes, the crowd outside are getting back.. More and more pple again.

Stay safe everyone! 

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