Monday, July 20, 2020

 Haha, sat had been a fruitful day. 

Went popular walk walk, and managed to buy this wireless earbuds. 

Yes, need them for jogging on a threadmill. Jogging without some fast music is just unbearable!!

And having wired earphones is not good enough. In addition to handicapping the performance, it also risks dragging the phone and causing the phone to drop. Yes, my phone got dropped a few times cuz of using wired earphones. So, wireless ear buds have always been on my wish list. 

But the wireless buds are so damn bloody expensive that I didn't bear to buy one. The best I had was a Bluetooth earphone that needs not connect to the phone, but still have a wire connecting both sides of the ear. Not expensive and worked well for me, until it gave way somehow.. Haii..

So, been wanting to buy back something similar. And again saw all the v expensive ear buds until I saw this..... 

Woah, believe it or not! Original price $129 and now selling at $39.90 worrr. With 1yr warranty somemore! Hahahhaa. Very happy!

Yayy, now can fly at the threadmill liao!! 


And then, also chanced upon this Playmade brand bbt. Colleagues have been telling me how nice this brand is and finally let me chanced upon their outlet at westgate. 

Yes, really quite nice. Tried the chrysanthemum milk tea. Refreshing, though not much of the milky taste. Taste just like drinking chrysanthemum tea... But the pearls v soft and chewy. Nicee.

And the whole objective of going out that day was to get a haircut for the boys. 

Yay, for the past mths, I have been cutting for them myself. Until now, totally out of shape liao. So, gotta seek professional help to get the basic shape back first. 

Who knows, the usual $10 bucks salon we go to was closed. So tot no chance to cut liao, who knows, when we were about to leave the mall, we came across another $10 bucks salon! 


Last min still managed to get their hair cut and get the main objective done! 


So, fruitful day right. Did so many things! 


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