Sunday, March 8, 2020


And so, we bought ourselves a super big float!!! 

Yes, we decided that it will be dammmn shiok to have a big float to float around in the pool.. 

Tada! It's really biggg! 

Bought online. Seriously can get all sorts of shit online. Lol

Huat ahhhhh!! 

So fun! Kekekekke

After swimming, went to 拜太岁at this temple at keong siak Street. 

And who knows, at the far far end across the street, was this shake shack thingie. 

Ha. heard abt it, but never knew what it was. 

误打误撞让我们看到,and no q at all. 

So, happily went in..  And chey... Its a fast food restaurant nia.. Tot what atas restaurant.. 

But.. It's an atas fast food restaurant.

So darn expensive. One burger is already $9plus. Can get one whole meal at good old macdonalds liaoz.

So, for 1 burger, 1 hotdog, 1 cheese fries and 2 malt shakes, its a good $37 bucks.


And... Also not that yummy either. 

Really overpriced.

No q when we went in at 4plus. But quite long q after we came out at 5plus.


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