Sunday, March 22, 2020

AGM 2020

Attended the agm for our development ytd.. 

First time attending such meeting. Lol

Supposed to hold at the function room, but due to the Covid19, it was changed to the open air carpark instead. 


So this agm is all about the residents coming together to vote for the major changes that'r going to take place.. And wow! Such eye opener! 

Some of the resolutions really created big hoo-has, with some residents strongly voicing out their disagreements. 

Almost wanna throw shoes and fight liao. 


Then there was also this nomination and election of the next mgmt committee. This committee is somewhat like our government, where the residents will elect and then this committee will be empowered to run the affairs and make decisions for the development. 

This hubb happily wanna be into the committee, and there he is, introducing himself. 

But alas, in the end he wasn't elected in. 

And worse, the members of the newly elected committee, 6 out of 7, were the same as last year's. And according to some of the 'opposition' parties, these pple have been running for a few years liao!

Wah. That definitely doesn't sound too right leh. 

The same gang of pple running over so many yrs?? 

And few yrs back, it was reported in the news that this development has got embezzlement going on leh. 

Now, no wonder the 'opposition' parties were so agitated. 

Anyway, I think we also got our move wrong. In order to be nominated, u need a resident to nominate u in first. So, not knowing which resident we can go to, we went to ask the oppo party to nominate hubb in.


Should have asked a neutral party or someone from the current party to nominate hubb in, then maybe the chance of getting in is larger. 

And now, it seems like we are also from the oppo party. Duhhhhhh. Don't know the committee will make things difficult for us or not. Next time apply this apply that, all kenna rejected. Duh. 

And the oppo party was so unhappy w the results that she told us she wrote to bca and cpib to find out if there are any wrong in the process.. 


Why so political??? 


Buy one house come here stay, in the end become so political. 



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