Saturday, January 4, 2020

Legoland Day 1

Hoho, our first time to Legoland! 

Can only check in to the hotel at 3pm.. So we went to the theme park first.

Had lunch and then took some rides

Not v crowded.. And umm.. How should I put it... Its not as grand as I had expected it to be. And I tot the lobby smells, probably due to the toilets. The toilets condition is really not too acceptable for a relatively famous theme park. 

And it doesn't help that I kind of fell ill. Actually wasn't feeling v well at the start of the day liao. But still can tahan and play at the theme park. All the way till back in hotel room and I started vomitting and LS-ing. Then totally no appetite for anything liao. The guys had in room dining and I couldn't eat anything. 

This morning better but still quite bad. No appetite for the buffet breakfast at all. The spread is not bad, but really cannot eat. Then went back hotel room, ate panadol and po chai pills and slept for awhile. Then finally got better and can go play at the water park. Else, really wasted trip liao. But lucky we bought the annual pass, so probably not so wasted even if I were to really cmi. 

Yup. So now back in room after the water park. The 2 boys concussed liao. And hubb and I are waiting for in room dining. 

Yay, finally feeling hungry again. 


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