Monday, February 27, 2017


someone is all ready for school!! 

good luck...... to me!! 

yeah.. i honestly do not know how he will react. though we've been prepping him, but then... 

anyway, all kids go thru this right... 

should be  没问题 de lahh.. horrrr.. ? 

1st 3 days i can go with him... but he gotta be there by himself by the 4th day.. hahaa.. 

and... i also dont know how i will react... will i be tough enough to just leave him there and go? or will i be wishy washy and ai ciao buay ciao? or... i also got so emo that i breakdown and cry w him?? 

v stress actually, especially w that big bump of mine... cant imagine myself having to sit on a small chair with that bump trying to pacify a toddler... 

and it doesnt help that the 1st 3 days are wed, thurs and fri. then 4th day will start on monday, after the wkend. somewhat 'break' the momentum and effort leh.. 


sure i could delegate this task to hubb or even MIL. but then, as the mama, i want to be there with him to go thru this significant milestone. kekeke. 

anyway, i personally think the ideal age to start school will be 2 to 2.5yrs. anything earlier i think is too young. but by age 3, i think abit too late liao. keep him at home till 3yrs old also quite waste time i feel... 

so 2 to 2.5yrs should be ideal...

but then, the time rayous reaches 2-2.5yrs, didi just arrived. i definitely do not want him to have the idea that we r sending him to school becuz of didi's arrival. 

so......... better to introduce him to school first before the arrival of didi. 

anyway, it's only for 3hours everyday. yea, didnt want to put full day. no hurry for that, since parents-in-law are available to take care of him. so just put 3hours for a start, for him to adapt, learn and play. slowly we will transit him to half day and eventual full day when he reaches >2.5yo.

yup. so MIL gotta suffer abit liao. cuz the school is about 1 bus-stop away and need to walk quite a bit of distance. and every day she gotta travel 4x - send rayous there and go home, then go school again to fetch rayous back. i honestly dont know how she will handle also, but since she said she can... i think just leave it to her bah. 

haiiiz. guilty...ok, hope can transit him to half or full day soon, then maybe wont be so tough for MIL liao..

anyway, good luck. 1march. hope all goes well. 

actually, when im w him, should be ok. just worry for the 4th days onwards, when he gotta be alone. 



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