Thursday, February 16, 2017

8th & 9th YuShenG

the 8th yusheng!

anthony kindly hosted us at his place for steamboat and lohei! 

we also did our long overdue xmas xchange. LOL


and then the 9th and last yusheng for the yr.. was the function's cny dinner held at tung lok restaurant at orchard central 


and 元宵 was spent at susan's place where she kindly hosted us to steamboat!

yep.. so total of 9 yusheng for this yr.. and cny has officially ended liao. back to working mode. uh-oh. 

apparently no more PH in feb and march. but it's ok.. i'll be clearing leaves here and there. 

yep.. so.. jiayou.. till cny 2018!

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