Monday, April 4, 2016

BabY SPA @ HarBourFronT

ahahha. took the little boy for his swim session @ baby spa at harbourfront.  LOL. 

and to my surprise, he was quite scared initially! look at his face!! 

yes, he was v scare and started throwing tantrum and we took a little while to calm him down

and he soon got used to it! woohoo!

having great fun! 

and towards the end, he got so relaxed that he totally laid back liao. haha. 

and after a good swim, it was a good massage session. seriously more shiok than the poor mum and dad. 

the sessions are not cheap at all. the swim was $49 and the massage $26, so total was $75.  then they got this marketing deal which psycho u to sign the package and then they will waive the $75 altogether. and they throw in this photography package which will entitle the baby to have a personal photoshoot with one pic developed w frame. i bet when go for that photoshoot, it will be a 2nd round of psychoing to sign the photoshoot packages. trust me! 

and now on hindsight, there was one thing which i think was a marketing move also. after the massage and baby dressed up, the staff will carry the baby to go out. that day happened to have a ballonist blowing balloons, so the staff carried rayous to watch that ballonist perform. MIL and FIL were keeping tab while hubb and myself were in the shop listening to the psychoing. but throughout i wasnt really focusing cuz i kept turning to make sure rayous is ok. and in my 'non-focusing', i kind of just want to end the whole thing, save the $75, sign and go. 

yeah.. and that's it. in order to save the $75, we spent $400. what kind of economic sense does that make?  anyway, it's for 10 sessions and if u include in this very 1st session, it will be considered $400 for 11 sessions of pure swimming, massage not included. what easy way to psycho us right?! 

yah, so i believe, by carrying the baby away and let u lose focus is one of their sales tactic. evil.  

anyway, will go for the photoshoot and finish up the 10 sessions asap. such businesses.... 说倒就倒.. better use up their services... SOON. 

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