Tuesday, April 15, 2014

AnnuaL LeaVes

im on half day AM leave today! meaning to say, leave in the morning, back to work in the afternoon. hehe. 

ok, from the so many feedbacks that i heard so far, many thinks that AM leave is crap. they would rather take full day leave, or at worse, PM leave. 

but then i tot AM leave is not that bad what. can sleep late, wake up take breakfast, relax for a few more hrs, then slowly make way to work. work for a few hours, then knock off again... shiok! 

im contemplating if i should take AM leaves frequently... anyway, havent i always been asking for a job which can let me sleep in late?? hehhee. seems like taking AM leaves will be the solution!! 

in the past, when i was with the very 1st dept, each year, i only aim to carry forward 5days of leaves to the following year. but as i shifted to the 2nd dept and now to the current dept, things changed. taking leaves is such headache that i ended up taking less leaves and carrying >10days leave to the next year. 

taking leaves is no longer that straightforward. it's quite stressful actually. have to ensure my things are cleared before i go, have to pray no last min things that come in just before i go else have to stay back late to clear, and have to worry about work that came in but uncovered by my coverer when im back. see? going on leaves seem more tedious than just going to work and clear stuff day by day. 

now taking leaves also need to look at the work volume... it's.... siannn! 

so i guess, morning leaves really are my saviour. i dont have to finish the work on hand, i can sleep in late, i can still clear my work day by day, dont have to rely on coverers (who most of the time, will also leave things for me to come back and clear) ... and i only need to work a few hours! hehehehe!!

and.... 1 day of leave is equivalent to 2 days of AM leaves! real savings!!

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