Sunday, July 14, 2013

MaLDiVes DaY 5 - 19/5/2013

as usual, the day started off with hearty breakfast :) really good that all meals are free.....

and then, we resumed our photo-taking session. LOL.

i wonder if the pictures can be blown up, given the not-so-big picture size... should have gotten a DSLR.. hehe, i do have a flair in photography, dont i? 全程自编自导自演. the feedbacks are all positive so far. im quite proud actually... hahahahahaha

after that, makan time again!

after lunch, was the 'tree' series. lol. wanted to capture the 'jungle' feel... but not successful leh. the effects did not turn out as good as i thought..

and then, it's rest n relax time :)

the water is really really clear..

spot me in the vast ocean!!!!

intially, i had the impression that one can just dive straight into the water and swim. but, actually, cant literally do that. firstly, the water is not deep enough to jump inside, and secondly, there are many many coral reefs down there. we had to be very very careful and gentle when resting our legs, else will  kenna hurt by the reefs. in fact, even when resting, the pricks can be quite painful. so most of the time, gotta trap water instead. lucky later on, we decided to put on the life vests which allowed us to float. haha.

so, that also gave me a lesson - many things can seem to be very peaceful, comfortable and pretty at the surface. but deep down, there can be many obstacles which can hurt you if you are not careful. never take things at the surface! 

where we had our sun-tanning :)

and then, dinner time

stay tune for the last day :)

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