Monday, July 8, 2013

MaLDiVes DaY 4 - 18/5/2013

day four of our maldives trip. also the day where we upgraded our room to the water bungalow.

the reception area

when we booked the resort online, the water bungalows were all fully booked and not available. then when we were there, we just tried our luck to see if there were any bungalows available for upgrade, and yes, there were!

and boy, was i glad we did so! the room is soo much bigger than the normal rooms.

initally, i thought it's ok not to stay in a water bungalow, but after the upgrade, i will say, it is a MUST to stay in a water bungalow. really must try it out. the feel is really soo soo much better. it would be a wasted trip in maldives, if one did not experience the water bungalow.

when we stayed in the normal room, it really just felt like a chalet. like we were in sentosa or pasir ris or pulau ubin. it was only when we upgraded, that i really felt that i was in maldives. :)

the bathtub, with transparent doors. literally looking out to the sea while you soak in the tub. luxury.

this is the view, looking out from the washroom. down the stairs, and you are into the sea!

the outdoor chill corner

and then.... our photoshoot! hahahha

didnt want to waste the scenaries..... must capture...!

the stretch of water bungalows

though the sun was big and bright, it was very windy. so din sweat much. phew.

and then break for lunch time

after lunch, we resumed the phototaking... with a different outfit.. but i thought this series is not as nice as the red outfit series..

trying to create the 'play water' feel. lol.

after that kidda tired liao, and the effects did not turn out to be as good liao. so we called it a day. more photo-takings to be continued the next day.

 evening time, we went for sunset fishing

on the same fishing trip, there was a foursome of singaporeans. haha. the 1st few days that we reached, we really only saw angmohs. there were no asians around. quite depressing really, to only see angmohs and not even a single asian. it was only during the later days that we started to see some asians.. and finally, singaporeans!
the baits

yes, fishing with simple tools.. not sophisticated rods. no wonder the reception guy said it's ok to go, even if i know nuts about fishing and do not know how to use the fishing rods. 

it was quite boring initially cuz i really did not feel any fish biting my bait. apparently, hubb and the s'pore guy beside me kept saying that there were many bites from the fishes... but i felt nothing at all! and each time i pulled up my bait, it was apparently untouched. boo
hubb was the 2nd person onboard who managed to catch something

i seriously did not experience the so-called 'bites' that they experienced.... so it got kidda boring eventually, and i decided to capture the sunset instead. hahaha.

generally it was quite quiet. on the whole, the whole boat captured only about 3-4 fishes. everyone was getting a little demoralised and sian liao.

but then... once the sun set... things became different...... really different...

suddenly, there were many fishes... then one by one, one by one, everybody managed to catch something!!

and that included me, of cuz! hahaha

the fishes just kept coming. overall, i think i captured 4 fishes while hubb captured 2 or 3. the feeling of catching something is real good and victorious. but i must say, it really is very cruel, to see the fishes kenna caught, injured by the hook and left to die just like that. haii. sinful.

in the end, the basket was almost full. look at all the fishes that all of us caught!! really fruitful trip. no wonder the reception guy told us that we will definitely catch something. haha.

and a word of caution. dont ever use bare hands to pull the fishing line back. always use the reel to roll the line back. i had, a few times, for fear of the fish escaping from the hook, used bare hand to pull the line back so as to catch the fish up using the shortest possible time. and that irritated the in-charge who nearly scolded me. i later learnt from another friend that such fishing line can cause very sever cut and should never be handled using bare hands. so do take note!

the whole fishing trip was about 3hr, but seriously, only the last half hour was fruitful. the 1st 2.5hours was pure silent waiting. no wonder fishing can cultivate patience.

back to the resort, still in time for dinner!

and then... late at night.. supper time.... our catch were being served!! cool huh!

i dont think they cooked all of it. just a selected few. which was good, cuz not many turned up. only 4 angmohs and the 2 of us. the 4 singaporeans did not turn up either.

actually, i was skeptical if these were really the fishes which we caught just hours earlier. i was expecting the meat to be super fresh and tender, but it turned out that the meat was a little tough. i wondered if they had kept the fresh fishes for other purposes, and these are the 'older' fishes...

but i also heard that the flesh of big fishes tend to be tougher, cuz since they managed to grow till so big, they must be old. and if they are old, naturally the meat will be tougher. o well. maybe.

yep, honestly the fishes did not turn out to be as tasty as i thought lah. but well, great fishing experience. the beginning part was a little bored, but after sun-set, it really was fun. maybe the fishes move around more at night. or they become more hungry at night? kekeke. my 1st fishing experience. great!

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