Saturday, January 5, 2013

HaPpY NeW YeAr!

NY eve dinner was at MBS Todai.

my 1st time visit. good variety of food, but i thought the quality is ok only. crabs are their selling point - red crabs, king crabs and snow crabs. raw oysters are available, but not the big big, fat, juicy and bulging ones. for sashimies, only salmon and tuna.

desserts variety is not that much... disappointed..

i decided im really not a buffet lover. apparantly, i only go for the sahimies, oysters and desserts. there can be lots and lots of food, but stomach space is limited. quite sian to actually see sooo much food but yet cannot try all. also, buffets are really unhealthy because 100% of the time, u WILL over-eat. guess the only good thing about buffets is that u can sit down and chat for long long time and no one will chase u away.

the crabs are quite good, but really tedious to eat them cuz of the shells....

the boyfriends

and the girlfriends

lop-sided picture cuz the taker decided to include the proof of artistes patrons into the picture

our dinner reservation was from 8 to 11pm. had a few rounds of taboo games in the restaurant before we proceeded to catch the fireworks at MBS.

I guess it's due to the v light drizzle, that the fireworks did not appear as spectacular as it should be. a 8 mins firework session, but many of the work seemed to 'die off' before they fully appear...

jong chien and weiling

nicholas and cheryl

and of cuz, hubb and me

after the firework, tonnes of pple inside MBS... look at the crowd behind us!

we then proceeded to xing wang at tiong bahru plaza to play the monopoly deal game before we ended the day at ard 3.30am.....long time since i stayed out soo late. haha.

and so, 2013 is here. as said, 2013 will be a better year for all of us! back to work. back to school. life shall resume as per normal till cny in feb. jiayou everyone!!

hereby wishing everyone a great, fruitful and exciting 2013!!!!! world peace!!!


KTV with ex-colleagues on 4/1/13. sang till 1am.....lucky it's a friday :) TGIF!

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