Sunday, November 25, 2012

GoLdCoAsT Day 6 - 22/9/2012

day 6, we bade goodbye to tangalooma and headed to brisbane.

breakfast was the leftover pizza from last night.

took the ferry back to the holt street wharf where the pre-arranged bus picked us to our accomodation in brisbane - hotel george williams.
it's a really small hotel room...

travelling around brisbane..

macdonald for lunch

the train system..

1st destination was to the chinatown

this looks more like malacca than brisbane, right?

seriously nothing much there, except for some eateries and grocery shops..... not worth visiting.... quite disappointing cuz i was expecting to find many shops/malls there..

we decided to go to south brisbane after the much disappointing chinatown..


initially thought this is those man-made fountains...

but it turned out to be a man-made beach!! and there were soooo many pple!!

quite a sight, really.

the brisbane wheel

our dinner for that day. yum yumm. we were walking along the road when we saw this jap restaurant. the prices written on the poster were reasonable, so we took a seat in the restaurant. who knows, the prices on the menu are different from those on the poster!! and they explained that the prices on the poster are for take-aways only. and given the vast differences in the prices, we decided to ask for takeaways and ate at a bench just in front of the stall. real stupid right... such big diff in prices b/w eating in and eating out..

and after that, we went for a ride on the brisbane wheel

as usual, they will take picture of you before you board, and we bought the pic. besides the hardcopies, we were also able to go to their website and download the softcopies.... 1 pose, 4 settings.

we thought they were celebrating mid-autumn festival.. but turned out to be some drinking session..

in brisbane, ferry is also a mode of transport... just like buses and trains..

night time was of cuz, to the casino again, which was within walking distance from our hotel. the treasury casino...

and i won again!! really happppy :):):)

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