Sunday, September 16, 2012

yep, 7th month is over!

for the past 20yrs.. i've been attending this 喊标 activity at seah imm street.

and it was only this year, that i realised how creative and interesting chinese can be.

this is a 福物 with a turning wheel at the top. turning = 转. and the 涵义 of this 福物 is '有得赚'

this is a 蒜头 plant, and attached to it are currency notes. and so, the 涵义 is '天天有钱算'!

this is a picture of currency. literally, it's called 有钱图. taking the 谐音, it's 有前途!!!!

and yet another '有前途'!

this year they dont have it, but past year, they also have this horse figurine with a 发菜 on it's back. able to guess the meaning??

it's 马上发财!!!

creative, meaningful and smart right??!

i take my hat off! LOL

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