Saturday, September 1, 2012

曾经有长辈说过 -‘吃东西吃味道, 不用吃多’

today, somehow, mum said the same thing - that eating is for the taste, dont have to eat too much.

just a simple statement. to make it clear that eating too much is no good.


but on deeper thought, perhaps, only those who are still do-able in life, has the capability to say so.

for those who are less do-able in life, i guess, eating is for fullness and not for taste. as long as there's a meal, they will eat the most out of it, since it's still a unknown if there's a next meal.

just watched a programme on how a singaporean is now helping the poor in mongolia. my impression of mongolia is clear cloudy blue sky, vast green, animals roving, pple dancing and singing in their traditional costumes.

but the programnme i wactched totally destroyed that super carefree impression. it really wasnt what i think. according to wikipedia, ~32% of the population is living below the poverty line.

it's really heart-wrenching to know that there are pple out there who are so under-privileged.  yet im no saint, and no rich man. how to help?

we r all lucky pple. really should 惜福.

 time to stop wasting food, cuz there are really pple around who really do not have enough to eat. time to stop complaining about life, because there are so many out there who are soooo much worse off. time to treasure everything u have and everything around u, cuz nothing is 必然的. time to stop being unhappy over my problems, becuase as compared to the many out there, my problems are no problem at all.

time to be more POSITIVE in life!!!!!!!!

love life. love u. love me. love him. love her. love everyone!!!!

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