Friday, August 17, 2012

一个不知死活的我 .... 边吃边怕.......

seriously with my legs in such a manner, i shouldnt be touching any seafood... but.... went m hotel for buffet dinner just now for a colleague's farewell (yes, farewell again) .. paid already, cannot 不吃 right...

anyway, last week on the same day as i fell, i already ate prawns during the buffet lunch treated by bosses.. so..... forget about 戒口 lah horr..

yes, it's really almost buffet every week! last week was at furama city centre and juz now was at m hotel.

both are not top-notched hotels and i really wasnt expecting much out of the buffets, especially for furama city centre. but surprisingly, both turned out to be pretty okay!

in fact, i thought the food are fresher than some of the more popular hotels!

im really surprised. im usually a believer of "一分钱一分货".... but looks like im quite wrong this time. the cheaper buffets can be better than the more expensive buffets!

and now.. i just hope that the seafood wont have any adverse impact on my poor healing legs...


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