Sunday, August 12, 2012

as mentioned, this national day holiday was an eventful one. shall blog about it over the next few days.

1st 'event' - had a fall during the morning jog on 8aug.......

thanks to dear blog for the documentation, the last time i fell during jogging was on 28/8/2011. and now.. again?! and why isit always in august????? mmmmm

anyway, initially i thought the last time was a more serious fall than this time. but in fact, this fall is a much serious fall than last time. reference to the old post further confirms it.

*** below pics can be disturbing. do not proceed if you are uncomfortable ***


i think i fell while looking at the sky, thinking why the sky brights up so early that morning..... after the fell, i continued to run (despite the pain) and even bought breakfast. back home,  mum told me to go c doc but i tot it was nothing serious. so, with plasters on, i still went to work. super on right?

at work, colleagues also told me to go c doc. but again, i told them it was nothing serious. and they brought me more plasters to paste.

lunch that day was a buffet lunch at furama city plaza treated by superiors. colleagues warned me not to take the seafood and if i insist, i should then really see a doc after that, which i agreed.

o well, i dont really have a choice, because there were fluid flowing through the plasters and down my leg. real disgusting sight.

and so after lunch, i went to a doc. the doc cleaned up the wounds (which was realllly painful) and bandaged them like a super serious injury.

i thought this was quite exaggerating...

it's soo painful. even up till today, after 4days have passed, the pain is still there. but now, the wounds have already dried up, just that they are still red, swollen, and a bit itchy. i just went to another doc this morning after i realised that the left ankle is also swelling.. scary..

and, just to add on, according to the 2nd doc, the yellowish discharge are not pus and are serum that are formed to protect the wound. gave me a good scare, cuz i tot it was pus...

haiz. and with the injured legs, there were more events that took place.

really one eventful lonng wkend :)


just a side note. went back to work on sat from 7.30pm (immediately after i reached sg from batam) to 2.00am! unbelievable right?!

as mentioned, i was involved in this UAT testing and the whole project was to be implemented on sat. and so, the whole team went back for that project implementation which was completed only at 1+am. at 1+am, we were still having teleconference discussion. what an experience! and almost all my senior mgmt are all there. glad that a small fry like me has a chance to participate in this.

and hopefully, all these efforts and hard work do get paid off in ways which i want.....


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