Tuesday, August 17, 2010


though not necessarily better.

ok, im a tee-wee bit better than the last post.. but not all that better... erm.. yah..  i sound chim, dont i?

in any case, i've tot about it. there is no decision as to stay or go. or rather, the decision is to stay, but with the intention to go anytime.

erm, chim again?

i've thoroughly analyse y im hating the job and there are 101 reasons. but on the other hand, all that 101 reasons simply boils down to one simple fact and tt is - the pay is far too low and does not commensurate with the amt of work i have to do now.

done alot of thinking recently. i used to be very comfortable with spending money and i often get the comment 'u very rich horrrr'. in actual fact, im not rich. but just tt my money was easy to earn. my latest knockoff time used to be 8pm sharp. i used to get my incentives. and when i think i need more money, i can easily supplement my income with more OTs (that will end at 8pm sharp!)

now? my money is super hard earned money!!! everyday, im uncertain abt my knockoff time and most of the times, i work later than i planned to. im uncertain of the amt of workload tt will come in for tt day. im uncertain of the kind of shit tt i will have to handle for tt day....

so, the absolute salary amount may be the same, but do not forget that salary should go hand-in-hand with workload. put it simply, if u are paid $100 for baking 1 cake, it's easy money, isint it? but wad if u are paid the same $100, but u have to bake 10 cakes?? get wad i mean??

i used to have a colleague in collections who said that for each day that he works, he is losing money. i probably understand wad he means now.

also, probably it's true that studying is better than working. ha.

basically, all human work for either of the 2 reasons: 1) money 2) passion. for the majority of us, sad to say, we work for 1). but rite now at this mmt, i have no money and no passion. so? conclusion?

in any case, i will still stay here until a trigger point that will make me throw the ltr. reasons for staying will only be to make my resume look better and to enhance my bargaining power. but if the trigger point has to come soon, then im prepared to go anytime.

i seriously deserve better. life is too short to be spent wallowing in self-pity. fridays are too precious to be spent crying. sundays are too short to go back to work.

and it's definitely not weak to quit just after a few months. the real weak thing is not daring to leave despite being unhappy.

opppsss.. must be offending the majority of mankinds!!

so, now is to work at best and wait and see. we'll see if the 'trigger point' comes earlier or the 'as time goes by' comes earlier.

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