Sunday, May 23, 2010

My PersOnaL CompuTeR

yay, finally bought a computer i call my own!

it's not a desktop nor a laptop. it's a netbook. and the best thing is, guess how much it cost?? $399!!!! unbelieveable rite??? even cheaper than my camera!

my budget was around $500 and i did come across a few models being tt price at challenger and best. but while contemplating if i should juz spend a little more for better specs and bigger screen, we walked past the newly opened courts in orchard which is now seating at where john little was previously seated.

and we saw this promo for HP netbook for only $399!!!!!!!! wad else is there to think?? juz 'sup' 1st!

it's super portable, given the ultra mini size. the screen is small and of cuz, the specs are not soo good. but given i only need it for basic stuff like surfing, it should be more than sufficient.

actually, a personal com should have come when i was in uni. tt was the time when i truly badly needed a personal com. and probably if i had it then, i could have done better in uni as i will have the comfort of reading and sourcing materials at my own available time. and probably, i'll grad with a better deg and earning more now......

but.... lost time means lost time... no point going back. wad matters is to hold on to now and future.

anyway, after graduation, there's no urgent need for a pers com anymore. and since bro has moved out, i can use his com most of the times now. so there's really no need to buy one. until recently, his good old com also crashed... so.. no choice, but to get one myself lor.

not too bad. now i just need to find out how to get wireless at home so i wont need the modem anymore and can surf anywhere at home. kekekeke....

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