Sunday, May 16, 2010

MaCau Day I

this little short trip is really short but packed. we left on fri nite and came back on tues morning. in tour agency terming, it'll b 5d4n. but in fact, we only have 3 full days to explore. and amazingly for us, we managed to visit macau, zhuhai and hongkong. lol ~

initially it was quite chui becuz the plan went haywired due to hubb's lousy time management. if there's 1 thing i can change abt him, i really hope he can be better in time managing.......

anyway, tis was the 1st time tt we checked in on our own... and also the 1st time that there wasnt any1 sitting with us. so, the 2 of us had 3 seats to play with. kekeke.....

the flight was a late flight and due to the dilly-dallying, we did not manage to eat at the airport as planned. so had to eat the super expensive stuff on board lor.

the food on board were really expensive. the cup noodle was $5 and the drinks were $3 each. that's like how many times the normal pricing in super mkt!  

it's abt 3hrs frm here to macau's airport. we reached at abt 2am. the initial plan was to stay at the airport or go casino till the time when we can check in to the hotel. but in the end, we decided to book an extra nite so that we can check in once we reached macau. lost half a day stay in monetary terms, but it's better than not having a place to slp and being super tired for the nxt few days and we cannot njoy rite?

anyway, we checked-in in the middle of the nite, had some slp and went zhuhai the nxt morning. our hotel's super near to the custom to zhuhai. juz abt 10mins walk. but the clearing of the custom took some time as there were soo many pple.

read this important notice.....

gosh..... i didn't know i was an alien.... and so are u!

once crossed the custom, we reached this super ultra big underground mall. the whole place is somewhat like bugis village/far east. many many small shops selling clothings/shoes/fake branded goods. hmm... i was told that the goods are dirt cheap.. but seriously, they r not all that cheap leh. i think only the shoes are cheap.

~munching on my super soft bread. yummy!!~

the mall is really big, but the things they sell r more or less the same. somemore, need to 杀价 which i hate to do so.  only bought 2 pairs of heels and a boots in the end.

went back to macau at abt 6pm+ where we had our dinner after leaving our stuff at the hotel.

cantonese is commonly spken in macau.  the food also more or less like those in HK.

after dinner was to venetian casino. seriously, b4 i went, i tot the whole of macau is v european style. but seriously, only the casinoes areas are european style. other places are actually old and a little backwards. and the roads are v narrow and cars parked alongside, making the roads even narrower. cant imagine driving there.

the interiors of venetian....

the exteriors.....

the venetian shopping mall. u tot it's daylight?? it's not! it's the wallpapers' effect. it was already v late when we went in and most shops were closed already. v few pple in there also. so, it's really kind of weird when there's this daylight feel in there.. also very european style...

~a real limousine.... woah~

yep, so that's 1st day. 2nd day was in HK. 3rd day then xplore macau. the weather was cool in both HK and macau. but the pple in macau like not v friendly leh and they like to anyohow spit on the streets. urgh. this time round, even the pple in HK also not friendly. i wonder y. boohoo ~

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