Sunday, April 4, 2010

WesTerN FooD RecommEnDaTioN

went to this restuarant at cathay cineplex (the one nxt to plaza sing) last sunday. it's at level four or five.. the name is Aston, or something like that. it serves western food and highly recommended by hubb.

super long q but considering there's only 2 of us, it shld be quite fast to be able to get a seat. and so we q.

the concept is somewhat like botak jones whereby u choose a main and u can decide on 2 sides. the price is slightly steeper than at jones, but tt shld be the case, since jones are located at coffeeshops while this is located in a shopping mall.

but as compared to many other restuarants serving western food, i will say this is cheap and real good. the price is low (take note, it's not reasonable, it' LOW) and the food is of a large portion and delicious!

~hubb's prime cut for only $17.90! elsewhere will easily be >$25. and it's good. no joke. esp the potatoe salad. and hubb went for a well done (yes, do not be surprise tt there are pple who go for well done when it comes to steak. keke) and i expected it to be hard rock. but no, it was still tender and soft despite being well done. impressive! ~

~my pepper fish for only $7.90!! $7.90!! i think mac meal cost more than that if u go for an upsize and an additional pie.. ~

total cost is below $30. for a steak and fish fillet and 2 drinks... where to find?? pls do go there and try out.

main course and sides are of wide varieties too.. i will go for my salmon nxt time round cuz the salmon were all sold out when we went last sun.

but do expect to wait awhile for the food to be served and the ambience is not tt hi-class hi-class kind de. and of cuz, if ur in big grps, then do expect to have to q for a place. :)

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