Sunday, April 18, 2010

LasT WeeKeNd

my tooth still hurts... boo hooo hooooo... constant naggy pain... :(

last weekend went JB city sq with hubb. tried out the newly opened seoul garden. total bill with 2drinks was abt rm75 = sgd33= sgd17 per pax for wkend lunch. compare to seoul garden in sg - $21.99++ for wkend lunch. cheap cheap :)

somehow, the food also tasted better than the seoul in sg.

the last time we went jb, we came back by hired private car. this time round, we tried coming back by train. the train tix cost only rm3 per pax. free seating. whole journey + waiting time is about an hour.

not too bad an experience. think more convenient than taking bus.

last sunday also went for the annual grave-sweeping. super hot day. year after year.. time flies!

more or less ready for the macau trip this friday.
- air tixs - checked
- hotel booking - checked
- ferry tix for a one-day travel to HK - checked
- itinerary- checked

now juz left the currency xchange part.

hopefully there'll be a chance to go over to zhuhai as well. heard it's a shopping paradise, even better than BKK!

hopefully by then, my toothache will go away.


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