Sunday, May 20, 2007

BloggiNg FroM HoNgkOnG

woooo.. cool... now blogging in hk. hehehehe.. so siann..... yesterday raining almost whole day... today... still raining.. stranded... difficult to go out.. argghhh... wasting my time and money!!! still got another 5 days b4 back to singapore? hmm.. sad... back to the reality soon.. boo!!! I DON WANNA GO BACK! I JUZ WANNA BE A SLACKER AND ENJOY!!!!
ok.. i shall stop being a parasite.... i know time goes on and i must face reality. meanwhile i shall enjoy my time here... provided the weather helps me!!!!!
hmm.... so far not too bad lar.. went to quite a number of places and took plenty of pics. but somehow, i sux in the pics.. fat and uglee!! irritating. been eating and eating .. haii.. jialek.. hmm.... and the saddest thing.. i lost my good old handphone!!! arghhh... i think it dropped out of my pocket without me knowing. ok...i know it's of an old model and i shld not be too sad.. but still, it's a workable phone lorr.. and the phone has been in our (our= me and my sis) possession for years lorr.... now lost.. real sad. but the pple here really helpful. frm the bus captain to the ferry captain.. they really tried to help and yep.. v nice of them. poor phone.. im sorry i lost you.
i realised the food here kidda ex lei. even in those "cha can ting"... one meal on the average abt $5+. hmm... and our room.. reall small... but comfy and cosy. aircon works well, heater works well.. not bad already considering only abt sgd40 per day. at 1st i was really worried abt the room. cuz so cheap ... sure lousy.. but ended up ok lar. "mai hiam buay pai" lar... and at night if return after 12am, the building will close all entrances except for one, and security guards will take down the info of pple who enter the building. hehehe.. interesting eh. tt gives me security!
ok gotta go. 2 pics to show 1st.. hehe...

i simply love the nite scenery...... so windy and cool!!!

ok.. i don know why.. i really sux in the pics.. think put on weight.. on maybe it's my uglee hair.. boo.. ok.. so there.. come back then blog again!!

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