Sunday, June 2, 2024

ShaNgHai DaY 2 - 2June2024

Day 2 of our shanghai trip! 

Bf =) 

And got a level that comes with kids playground and other games, including claw machines.. Lol

Finally out to our first destination

The Yu Garden! 

One big palace like place. 

And i definitely enjoyed the Yu Garden Market more than the Yu Garden itself

Somewhat like jioufen in tw... Many things to see and buy and eat.. Whaahhahaha


Some strawberry shaved ice.. 

Big 菠萝bun

And of cuz 拉面and 小笼包

Not bad, quite a fun place. The weather was sunny, but not that hot. Still quite windy. 

After that, to our 2nd destination for the day. 

Yes, 东方明珠! 

The sky observation deck, at 249th floor. 

And also had our buffet dinner at the revolving restaurant at 238th floor, if i remb correctly. 

Spread is quite good. Had a good share of the sweet shrimps, which most buffet do not offer. Yummmmmx. 

And... Im hardly a supporter of PRC products. But since im here, 入乡就要随俗ya? 

So.... Bought their pearl cream to try!!

Put on the face de. And put on the face liao. 



Ok, to disney land tmr. 

Faster sleep liaooo!!!


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